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Is this mod in existance?

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 2:44 pm
by dannypritchett01
I have a small javascript on my site that displays the date and a holiday message if its a holiday. Is their a mod that does this except instead of just showing the message possibly can set the style for that day to one of a holiday? I will post the javascript below that I use... Maybe someone can figure something out if their isn't one already.

Code: Select all

 Java Script Calendar is a small script for web pages which displays current Day of the week, Month, Date and Year along with Holidays notification. Just like this working demo below. It will work with Netscape 2++, Microsoft 3++ and Opera 3++ web browsers.
                                    Tuesday, November 24, 1998    
About 70 holidays from all over the world are displayed by Calendar (if you know other ones, let me know, I will add them). It even calculates Easter Sunday date! To see how it works change the date on your computer to January, 1,
for example and re-load the page.
Installation is very simple. Just copy the script below, everything between SCRIPT and SCRIPT tags (including tags themselves) and paste in the place you want it to appear on your page. You can customize the way
 it looks by changing document.write function arguments just after month names definitions. Java Script Calendar is free without any limitations. Copyright © Eugene Vassiltsov. But please, let me know if you will use it.
 calendar = new Date();
 day = calendar.getDay();
 month = calendar.getMonth();
 date = calendar.getDate();
 year = calendar.getYear();
 if (year < 1000)
 cent = parseInt(year/100);
 g = year % 19;
 k = parseInt((cent - 17)/25);
 i = (cent - parseInt(cent/4) - parseInt((cent - k)/3) + 19*g + 15) % 30;
 i = i - parseInt(i/28)*(1 - parseInt(i/28)*parseInt(29/(i+1))*parseInt((21-g)/11));
 j = (year + parseInt(year/4) + i + 2 - cent + parseInt(cent/4)) % 7;
 l = i - j;
 emonth = 3 + parseInt((l + 40)/44);
 edate = l + 28 - 31*parseInt((emonth/4));
 var dayname = new Array ("Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday");
 var monthname = 
 new Array ("January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December" );
 document.write(dayname[day] + ", ");
 document.write(monthname[month] + " ");
 if (date< 10) document.write("0" + date + ", ");
         else document.write(date + ", ");
 document.write(year + "    <font color=FF0000>");
 // Easter
 if ((month == emonth) && (date == edate)) document.write("Easter Sunday (Western)   ");
 // January
 if ((month == 0) && (date == 1)) document.write("New Year's Day");
 if ((month == 0) && (date == 15)) document.write("Adults Day (Japan)");
 if ((month == 0) && (date == 27)) document.write("Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart born (1756)");
 if ((month == 0) && (day == 1) && (date > 14) && (date< 22)) document.write("Martin Luther King's Birthday");
 // February
 if ((month == 1) && (date == 2)) document.write("Groundhog Day");
 if ((month == 1) && (date == 8)) document.write("Jules Verne born (1828)");
 if ((month == 1) && (date == 11)) document.write("National Foundation Day (Japan)");
 if ((month == 1) && (date== 12)) document.write("Lincoln's Birthday");
 if((month == 1) && (date == 14)) document.write("St. Valentine's Day");
 if ((month == 1) && (date == 15)) document.write("Galileo Galilei born (1564)");
 if ((month == 1) && (date == 22)) document.write("Washington's Birthday");
 if ((month == 1) && (date == 29)) document.write("Leap Day");
 // March
 if ((month == 2) && (date == 3)) document.write("Girl's Day (Japan)");
 if ((month == 2) && (date == 17)) document.write("St. Patrick's Day");
 if ((month == 2) && (date == 21)) document.write("J.S. Bach born (1685)");
 // April
 if ((month == 3) && (date == 1)) document.write("April Fools' Day");
 if ((month == 3) && (date == 8)) document.write("Buddha born");
 if ((month == 3) && (date == 15) && (day != 0)) document.write("Income Tax Day (USA),   ");
 if ((month == 3) && (date == 16) && (day == 1)) document.write("Income Tax Day (USA) ");
 if ((month == 3) && (date == 15)) document.write("Leonardo da Vinci born (1452)");
 if ((month == 3) && (date == 22)) document.write("Earth Day");
 if ((month == 3) && (date == 29)) document.write("Emperor's Birthday (Japan)");
 if ((month == 3) && (day == 0) && (date > 0) && (date< 8)) document.write("Daylight Savings Time Begins");
 // May
 if ((month == 4) && (date == 1)) document.write("May Day,   Boy's Day (Japan)");
 if ((month == 4) && (date == 2)) document.write("Constitution Day (Japan)");
 if ((month == 4) && (date == 5)) document.write("Cinco de Mayo (Mexico),   Children's Day (Japan)");
 if ((month == 4) && (date == 14)) document.write("Independence Day (Paraguay)");
 if ((month == 4) && (day == 0) && (date > 7) && (date< 16)) document.write("Mother's Day");
 if ((month == 4) && (day == 1) && (date > 24)) document.write("Memorial Day");
 // June
 if ((month == 5) && (date == 5)) document.write("Constitution Day (Denmark)");
 if ((month == 5) && (date == 6)) document.write("D-Day (USA)");
 if ((month == 5) && (date == 11)) document.write("Kamehameha (Hawaii)");
 if ((month == 5) && (date == 14)) document.write("FlagDay (USA)");
 if ((month == 5) && (date == 21)) document.write("Summer Solstice");
 if((month == 5) && (date == 24)) document.write("St. Jean Baptiste Day (Canada)");
 if ((month == 5) && (date == 30)) document.write("Independence Day (Zaire)");
 if ((month == 5) && (day == 0) && (date > 15) && (date< 24)) document.write("Father's Day");
 // July
 if ((month == 6) && (date == 1)) document.write("Independence Day (Canada)");
 if ((month == 6) && (date == 4)) document.write("Independence Day (USA)");
 if ((month == 6) && (date == 14)) document.write("Bastille Day (France)");
 // August
 if ((month == 7) && (date == 1)) document.write("Confederation Day (Switzerland)");
 if ((month == 7) && (date == 10)) document.write("Independence Day (Ecuador)");
 if ((month == 7) && (date == 15)) document.write("Independence Day (India)");
 // September
 if ((month == 8) && (date == 7)) document.write("Independence Day (Brazil)");
 if ((month == 8) && (date == 11)) document.write("Remembering 9/11/2001 (USA)");
 if ((month == 8) && (date == 15)) document.write("Respect for the Aged Day (Japan)");
 if ((month == 8) && (date == 16)) document.write("Independence Day (Mexico)");
 if ((month == 8) && (day== 1)&& (date > 0) && (date< 8)) document.write("Labor Day (USA)");
 // October
 if ((month == 9) && (date == 1)) document.write("German Reunufication (1990)");
 if ((month == 9) && (date == 10)) document.write("Health-Sports Day (Japan)");
 if ((month == 9) && (day == 1) && (date > 7) && (date< 16)) document.write("Columbus Day (USA)");
 if ((month == 9) && (day == 0) && (date > 24) && (date< 31)) document.write("Daylight Savings Time Ends");
 if ((month == 9) && (day == 0) && (date == 31)) document.write("Daylight Savings Time Ends<BR>");
 if ((month == 9) && (date == 24)) document.write("United Nations Day");
 if ((month == 9) && (date == 31)) document.write("Halloween");
 // November
 if ((month == 10) && (date == 1)) document.write("All Saints Day");
 if ((month == 10) && (date == 2)) document.write("All Souls Day");
 if ((month == 10) && (date == 3)) document.write("Culture Day (Japan)");
 if ((month == 10) && (date == 11)) document.write("Veteran's Day (USA),    Remembrance Day (Canada)");
 if ((month == 10) && (date ==20)) document.write("Revolution Day (Mexico)");
 if ((month == 10) && (date == 23)) document.write("Labor Thanksgiving Day (Japan)");
 if ((month == 10) && (day == 4) && (date > 23) && (date< 30)) document.write("Thanksgiving (USA)");
 if ((month == 10) && (date == 30) && (day == 4)) document.write("Thanksgiving (USA)");
 // December
 if ((month == 11) && (date == 10)) document.write("Human Rights Day");
 if ((month == 11) && (date == 21)) document.write("Winter Solstice");
 if ((month == 11) && (date == 24)) document.write("Christmas Eve");
 if ((month == 11) && (date == 25)) document.write("Christmas");
 if ((month == 11) && (date == 26)) document.write("Boxing Day");
 if ((month == 11) && (date == 31)) document.write("New Year's Eve");

Re: Is this mod in existance?

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 12:59 am
by LDM
No, not one that I've seen. Easier as admin to set the style manually on the day?