General Error
General Error
Table 'mikesatvshop_zymichost_fullmod.phpbb_config' doesn't exist [1146]
Re: General Error
Either the config file has the wrong info or the database sql needs importing.
Re: General Error
I got it! thank you!
Re: General Error
now it says
General Error
SQL ERROR [ mysqli ]
Table 'mikesatvshop_zymichost_atc.phpbb_portal_config' doesn't exist [1146]
SELECT config_name, config_value FROM phpbb_portal_config
FILE: includes/db/mysqli.php
LINE: 163
CALL: dbal->sql_error()
FILE: portal/includes/functions.php
LINE: 29
CALL: dbal_mysqli->sql_query()
FILE: index.php
LINE: 56
CALL: obtain_portal_config()
General Error
SQL ERROR [ mysqli ]
Table 'mikesatvshop_zymichost_atc.phpbb_portal_config' doesn't exist [1146]
SELECT config_name, config_value FROM phpbb_portal_config
FILE: includes/db/mysqli.php
LINE: 163
CALL: dbal->sql_error()
FILE: portal/includes/functions.php
LINE: 29
CALL: dbal_mysqli->sql_query()
FILE: index.php
LINE: 56
CALL: obtain_portal_config()
Re: General Error
ok I am starting all over fresh install of phpBB3
Re: General Error
i had some mods installed I think that made a problem.
Re: General Error
Am not too sure, that looked like a database issue incorrectly set up, at least that error message was.
Re: General Error
Now i can get to my UCP and change stuff but if I click on board index i get this...
but like I said i can use my UCP
Thank you...
Code: Select all
General Error
SQL ERROR [ mysql4 ]
Unknown column 'group_position' in 'field list' [1054]
SELECT group_id, group_name, group_colour, group_type, group_position FROM phpbb_groups WHERE group_legend = 1 ORDER BY group_position ASC
FILE: includes/db/mysql.php
LINE: 174
CALL: dbal->sql_error()
FILE: index.php
LINE: 108
CALL: dbal_mysql->sql_query()
Thank you...
Re: General Error
but when I try to change my password it says and not on an error page same UCP page in red "The submitted form was invalid. Try submitting again."
Re: General Error
also when I try to change my password is says...
"The submitted form was invalid. Try submitting again."
"The submitted form was invalid. Try submitting again."
Re: General Error
Are your settings in admin - settings, all ok? Cookies setting?
Re: General Error
Everytime I try to import the sql file to phpmyadmin I get this error....
SQL query:
# phpBB Backup Script
# Dump of tables for phpbb_
# DATE : 19-12-2008 17:41:53 GMT
# Table: phpbb_acl_arcade_groups
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS phpbb_acl_arcade_groups;
MySQL said: Documentation
#1046 - No database selected
Can someone please help me would love to get this setup...I edited the config.php..thanks for any help!
SQL query:
# phpBB Backup Script
# Dump of tables for phpbb_
# DATE : 19-12-2008 17:41:53 GMT
# Table: phpbb_acl_arcade_groups
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS phpbb_acl_arcade_groups;
MySQL said: Documentation
#1046 - No database selected
Can someone please help me would love to get this setup...I edited the config.php..thanks for any help!