If you add an default avatar to the whole registered usergroup, you will lose all of the avatars that your current members have selected or uploaded. Using this little trick, you can assign all of your board a Default Avatar to those that haven't selected or uploaded one, yet still keeping the avatars that your current members have selected.
This will work on any style you have installed.
Open: includes/functions_display.php
Code: Select all
if (empty($avatar) || !$avatar_type)
return '';
Then inline find:
and replace with:
Code: Select all
return '<img src="images/avatars/no_avatar.gif" alt="' . ((!empty($user->lang[$alt])) ? $user->lang[$alt] : $alt) . '" />';
Now select the image below, save it and upload it to /images/avatars/ then purge your cache.
All your members that haven't selected an avatar will now be issued with the default as well as any new members.