A simple little trick to get some snow on your Forum Home page this Christmas/Winter but thought I'd package it up as a mod for ease. Credit for source code goes to Dynamic Drive. I just edited it for phpBB3 use.
I was originally going to use this on our phpBB3 Christmas style but decided not to and to release as an optional add-on.
MOD title: Snow on Index
Author: ModphpBB3
MOD-version: 1.0.0
Adds falling Snow on your phpBB3 Forum Index Page.
phpBB version: phpBB 3.0.0 to 3.0.3
phpBB styles: prosilver and subsilver2 (also works on all other styles)
phpBB languages: English
MOD Demo: Live Demo
It's not a bad little add-on. It's actually been downloaded quite a lot from the link on phpbb.com, so guessing some will use it over the festive period.
I installed it on my board last night, but i installed it in the overall_header.html of my style so it can show on the whole board, it looks awesome, but how can i make the flakes go down further?!
As the forums are in effect three parts, the overall_footer won't show snow active.
I did actually think at first whether to state the code in overall header but to be honest I thought it a bit much to have it on every single page. Doing it that way could also get on members nerves easier.
I thought having it just on index would nicely welcome people to the forum but yet not interrupt with individual forums and posting, that's just my opinion though
Hi, new user here, im ok with installing the forum, but when it comes to mods/add on`s im useless,Please can you tell me how i get this working on my forum please?
it only works on the one skin though, i have an alternate skin for users that dont want the christmas skin,and wanted snow it it too, is it possible?? and do i only need the Snow folder and javascript file in the forums main directory?