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Re: Over 500 Big Animated Emoticon Pack

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 5:33 pm
by JordanRHughes
Ashley wrote:These are the larger Smilies that some forums prefer to use. Over 500 animated emoticon pack. I will add a few examples for demo.


I'd love to know how you find all these great finds.

Cheers and thanks for sharing.


Re: Over 500 Big Animated Emoticon Pack

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 3:14 pm
by Jynxx
ooo thanks. I am just starting my site again and after using vBulletin, IP Board and SMF.... I am coming back to phpBB. And so far I LOVE IT. Its sooooo much easier than all the other crap. This zip will make my life a ton easier :P
Now if I could just find an AVATAR gallery like this! lol

Re: Over 500 Big Animated Emoticon Pack

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 2:59 pm
by CerebralJam
Tee hee, hello!

Okay first post, snatches smilies as a collector of fuzzy things. I found you via Google, I have just upgraded my board to the latest security patch and I wanted better than default and some I could add in, so I searched and this thread came up. Yes, I know you're a different board to me :P But, it doesn't hurt to come visit different things and learn more. I am an SMF user/website holder and yes, agree with above poster - it's a very confusing way to do things... but I belong to various forms of php forums... love my laptop to bits, dabble in xhtml (not the big stuff) and CSS. Have to learn php... (lazy!) So hopefully you won't mind me joining you.

Thank you for sharing. :)

Re: Over 500 Big Animated Emoticon Pack

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 7:58 pm
by cisco007
i don't think we mind, welcome!

Re: Over 500 Big Animated Emoticon Pack

Posted: Sat Sep 11, 2010 7:05 am
by SwT-CarbonzZ
This is a huge pack thx :)

Re: Over 500 Big Animated Emoticon Pack

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2010 3:42 pm
by cavanfishing
LDM wrote:ok add the emoticons (as they are, not in a folder) to root/images/smilies folder on your server, access ACP then go to Posting Tab, hit smilies down the left panel then go to the bottom to 'add mutiple smilies' then make the page full size (easier to add them) by clicking the arrow under the posting tab to close left panel - Thats your screen to add all the smilies, may take some getting use to, but once you've done it a few times, it's easy (but a little time consuming)

Old thread I know and this may sound really stupid but I get the above except for the fact that my board has a "Smiley code" box, what do I put in there???

Help! :blush:

Re: Over 500 Big Animated Emoticon Pack

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 11:02 pm
by Hitman
Those smiles are awesome. But, is there anyway to resize them so they look more proportionate to text?

Re: Over 500 Big Animated Emoticon Pack

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 6:57 am
by NeXuSDK
I don't know if anyone can help me with this, but I've been searching for a big smiley pack with animated smileys on the web for a Flash game, and this is so far the best I've come across... and it's even free.

Does anyone know under what license they are distributed? Are they completely free to use or what?

Re: Over 500 Big Animated Emoticon Pack

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 7:19 pm
by cisco007
well i guess they are free, it doesn't say if they are from any website or anything, so my guess is they are free for you to do what ever you like with them! i guess!

Re: Over 500 Big Animated Emoticon Pack

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 9:29 am
by harlequin9
Great smiley pack. Thanks Ashley

Re: Over 500 Big Animated Emoticon Pack

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2013 10:26 pm
by icacar98
Nice :D

Re: Over 500 Big Animated Emoticon Pack

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2014 9:21 pm
by oliverclothesoff